Sunday, April 18, 2010

Maltese Falcon

Maltese Falcon is hard to describe. If you get some sort of an idea of what it's about, then I'll have done my job.
Everyone knows the very famous Humphry Bogart and his cool demeanor. If you're a Bogart fan, then you'll love this movie. He stars as Sam Spade alongside Mary Astor as Brigid O'Shaughnessy. Maltese Falcon was nominate for three Oscars: Best Supporting actor (Sydney Greenstreet), best picture, and best writing/screenplay.
Oh where to begin..... Well it starts with a girl (as they always do) who needs help from private detectives Spade and Archer. Archer decides to take the case since he thinks the girl is pretty cute. His unloyalty to his wife leads to his demise (what goes around comes around!) on the job. Now it's up to Spade to figure out why Archer died and who killed him. And thus commences the chaos.... the girl was lying, a guy wants this falcon, he tries to kill Spade, fat man kisses up to Spade, assisstant follows Spade, fat man wants the falcon, Spade tries to find falcon, girl involved with the two men, dead man with bundle comes to Spade's office, they all open the package AND!.... it's fake. All of that trouble for a stupid falcon.
If you haven't already noticed, I did not particularly enjoy this movie. There were too many twists so the audience member became confused as to who did what and who's on who's side. I liked Bogart in the movie, but felt Astor's character got very annoying. The film had great potential but, honestly, I had no attatchment to the bird because I had no idea what the point of having it was. Most of the time I just felt bad for Bogart getting stuck in this crazy goose chase. Overall, I give the film a C+.

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